Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Phone Call

Received a phone call yesterday from the Peace Corps office in DC.  For reasons which haven't yet been shared with me, the Kenyan economic development program has been cancelled.  Considering I have been in the process of lining everything up for a January departure, you can imagine I was fairly stressed out.

After speaking with the placement office again, I received a digital copy of the Uganda program's information.  They say I can go there, instead.  Not sure how firm this offer is, and I'm fairly disappointed / weary / suspicious about the entire process.  Not that the country really matters - don't get me wrong, I thought Kenya would be awesome, but I'm not going to drop out just because they said I can no longer go there.  I'm more worried because everything I have read / been told states that once you have received your offer, it's final - you're going.  But now that obviously doesn't hold true.  Like I said, disappointing.

I'll be leaving in late April now, which changes things a bit.  I'm planning on heading to Wisconsin to work on a senate campaign for a few months before I leave, so my time there will be cut (a little) shorter because of the earlier departure date.  Still plan on leaving when I did, and still plan on volunteering, but my time at home between when I get back from WI and when I leave will be a lot busier now.

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